Scarborough and Whitby Area Constituency Committee

Work Programme 2024/25


Friday 7 June 2024 at 10am



Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2024-25


Safety assessment of walking routes to school


To consider this issue with specific reference to Whitby School and the cinder track following the public question at the ACC meeting on 22 March 2024 – Jon Holden (Head of Service – Strategic Planning Education) and Mark Harrison (Walked Route Assessor -  Highways and Transportation)


Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund for the Area Constituency Committees

To consider projects to be funded from the 2023/24 budget allocation – Amy Thomas (Economic Development and Regeneration)

Public Space Protection Order in Scarborough town centre


To seek the ACC’s comments on the proposed PSPO for Scarborough Town Centre – Paul Romans, Community Safety Manager

Stronger Communities update 2023-24


Update on the work of the Stronger Communities Programme in 2023-24, including an overview of progress in the Scarborough and Whitby ACC area - Karen Atkinson, Communities Locality Lead

Let’s Talk Food - initiative to reduce food waste and make healthy food more accessible


Angela Crossland, Head of Healthier Lives Community and Economy, Public Health Team

2024/25 Work Programme

Review of areas for Scrutiny


Thursday 3 October 2024 at 10am



Attendance of MP for Scarborough and Whitby

Opportunity for the local MP to share their views on main issues of local interest


Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund for the Area Constituency Committees


To consider projects to be funded from the 2024/25 budget allocation – Amy Thomas (Economic Development and Regeneration)

Community Resilience

Annual report on the work of the Resilience and Emergencies team - Matt Robinson (Head of Resilience and Emergencies)


North Yorks and York Local Nature Recovery Strategy


Consultation draft - Tim Johns, Senior Policy Officer


2024/25 Work Programme


Review of areas for Scrutiny



Friday 29 November 2024 at 10am



Attendance of MP for Scarborough and Whitby

Opportunity for the local MP to share their views on main issues of local interest


Bathing Water Quality update

Update on drive to improve bathing water quality in the constituency area – Faye Cossins, Coastal Delivery and Engagement Manager, Yorkshire Water


Health in Coastal Communities / Health Deprivation & Inequality

Progress Update on Chief Medical Officer Annual Report on Health in Coastal Communities - Louise Wallace (Director of Public Health)

Stronger Communities update


Bi-annual update from Karen Atkinson, Communities Locality Lead


Port Marine Safety Code

Annual Report of Performance against the Safety Plan – Paul Thompson, Assistant Director Transport


2024/25 Work Programme

Review of areas for Scrutiny


Items to note

Rural Policing Update - 2024 Update from the NYP Rural Taskforce Unit

Monday 6 January 2025 at 10am - Remote Informal Meeting

Budget 2025/26 Proposals

Overview of Budget proposals for 2025/26 – Gary Fielding, Director of Strategic Resources


Friday 21 March 2025 at 10am



Attendance of MP for Scarborough and Whitby

Opportunity for the local MP to share their views on main issues of local interest


2024/25 Work Programme


Review of areas for Scrutiny



Other potential topics to be allocated:

·         Aging Population – provision and accessibility to locally based services

·         The cost of housing and other housing related issues e.g. Cost of Living, Fuel Poverty and the future Homelessness service provision

·         Reduction in Bus Services and its impact on residents’ lives

·         The creation of a new Town Council (pending the outcome of the Community Governance Review)

·         Economic regeneration projects in the constituency

·         Housing Strategy

·         Children’s Safety

·         Pomoc – Access to Services for Eastern European Migrants – update

·         Performance update for Scarborough Hospital in relation to the CQC report

·         Falls prevention and footpath gritting

·         Dentistry provision

·         McCain sewage outfall

·         Major infrastructure renewal projects

·         Resilience in response to extreme weather events

·         Local community safety operational update

·         Educational attainment in local schools